Animal Jam Vine Lamp

  1. Animal Jam Vine Lamp
  2. Animal Jam Vine Lamp
  3. Animal Jam Vine Flower Lamp

“Animal Jam Archives” by The WildWorks Archives (unaffiliated with the WildWorks company) is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC License, permitting non-commercial sharing with attributions. Then we have the members-only Lily Rug leaving in 7 days and they are for sale for 400 gems. Then we have the members-only Scented Candle leaving in 2 days and its also for sale for 350 gems. Then lastly, we have the members-only Vine Flower Lamp leaving today! It is also for sale for 375. Make sure you get your Vine Flower Lamp today only! Vine Flower Lamp + Trading. Today's new item is the Vine Flower Lamp in Jam Mart Furniture. Today we have a new installment, Trading Post Saturday! Hiya, my name is Cosmic, and I'm the creator and main poster of the Animal Jam Comet, or AJC for short. I created this blog because I have a strive for daily item blogging. Friday, August 28, 2015. New And Leaving Item's! Eagle adventure - rare skinny lamp ANIAML JAM!! Unsubscribe from aakiwi AJ? Animal Jam Rare Talk: BETA BLUE VINES! - Duration: 1:38. Aparri 42,373 views.

Have you heard of the beta days? The beta days were when Animal Jam was testing to see if people actually liked the game. Another interesting fact about the beta days were there were no such thing as members! Can you believe that? Some people think as members and non members like segregation. To different classes of jammers. Non members only get 25% Of all the items in Jamaa. Another cool fact about the beta days is, all of the Animals were 2D, and so were the items. Do you like all the various colors of skin tones? Well, in the beta days there were only 20 colors. Imagine that!
Okay, now let's talk about beta items and dens. Back in the beta days your den was like the non member den. Except, It had 3 floors! To get to these floors you would go up a hole on a ladder. Another cool fact about the beta den is, there was a ladder that led strait to Jamaa Township. Imagine that? Now, the beta items back then were a whole lot cheaper than they are now. Most items were like, 45 gems! Can you believe that! The cheapest item in Jamaa Today is a necklace or a plush.
Animal Jam Vine Lamp
Depending on how you look at it. Another interesting thing about the beta days items is, wallpaper in flooring looked a lot different then how it does now. What I mean by that is, you know how the wallpaper is in rectangle shape when you buy it? Well, it was in more of a wrap shape.
Here is a list of beta clothing items below.
Animal jam vine lamp post
1. Top Hat
3. Skull Hemet
5. Rhino Helmet
7. Arctic Hood
8. Tiara (Not the store bought sometimes used for scamming.)
10. Elf cuffs
12. Pirate hat
14. Pirate Beard
16. Beard
18. Leg Amor
20. Mech Angel Helmet
22. Elf Helmet
24. Unicorn Horn
26. Gazelle Horns
28. Panda Hat

Animal Jam Vine Lamp

30. Chicken Hat
32. Cat Hat
Animal jam vine lamp post

Now the Beta Days video!

Animal Jam Vine Lamp

Animal Jam Vine Lamp

Animal Jam Vine Flower Lamp

Hey Jammer's! CoolCat here with another post! And today I will be telling you about the new and leaving item's! Okay so first off we will start in Jam-Mart Clothing. We have the new, member's only Steampunk Monocle for 500 gem's. The new, non-member Silver Chain for 600 gem's. And the new, member's only Beret for 300 gem's. Now we also have a few item's that will be leaving Jam-Mart Clothing as well. And those item's are: The non-member Round Glasses for 300 gem's that will be leaving in 8 day's. Then lastly we have the member's only Flip Flop's for 350 gem's that will be leaving in 7 day's. Now onto Jam-Mart Furniture. We have only leaving item's from this shop! The leaving item's are: The member's only Vine Flower Lamp for 375 gem's leaving in 10 day's. We also have the member's only Vine Rug for 350 gem's leaving in 9 day's. I also said about these item's awhile ago but I will just give a short reminder. The rest of the Mechanical Furniture will be leaving within a few day's. And then in Epic Wonder's we just have the member's only Peridot Birthstone for 1,500 gem's leaving in 4 day's. And that's all for today, jammer's! Comment down below what item your sad about leaving, and what item your happy returned! Jam On!